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Perinatal Mental Health

Welcoming a new member into your family is always a big adjustment, no matter how it happens.  Perinatal mental health can include work starting from the time your begin the decision making process of adding to your family, all the way through the first few years of life together.  These adjustment periods are challenging in ways you may not have anticipated.

Perinatal mental health therapists, who have extensive education and training in postpartum disorders, understand that hormone changes, personal and family history, and social support are all vital factors in understanding and alleviating postpartum symptoms.  

Common postpartum symptoms include:

  • Feeling overwhelmed and wondering if you should have become a parent in the first place
  • Feeling guilty due to high self-expectations
  • Not feeling “bonded” with the baby
  • Your thoughts are racing and you can’t quiet your mind
  • Feeling empty and numb as if you’re just going through the motions
  • Lack of focus and concentration
  • Being afraid that if you reach out for help, others will judge your inabilities
  • Thoughts of running away or leaving your baby behind
  • Being constantly in a state of worry

If one or more of the above symptoms resonates with you, I invite you to contact me today for a free consultation. Together, we’ll find the underlying issues that make you feel disconnected from your baby and create a strategy for moving forward. Contact me today to see how I can help.